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Healing Touch

Reiki and Energetic Treatments

Imagine being free of your limitations

Bring balance &

 clarity to your life

​Reduce stress promote wellness

Between jobs transformation

​Find fulfillment


About Reiki

Explaining what Reiki is like, is like describing chocolate. I can tell you it's dark, deep richness, bitter, sweet and melts at body temperature, but you have to taste it to know it. The best way to understand Reiki is to experience it for yourself. That being said here's some information about this amazing practice.


Reduce Stress and Promote Wellness

The most common experience after receiving a Reiki session is a sense of peace, relaxation and well being.  Reiki is effective for the relief of aches and pains, anxiety, fears, and worry.  Reiki helps with common ailments such as migraines, headaches, PMS, arthritis, and rheumatism.  Reiki reduces stress associated with accidents, injuries, and illnesses thereby supporting the natural healing process of the physical body.  Systematic Reiki sessions help to maintain health, vitality, and wellness by bringing balance to our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and social selves.

Bring Balance & Clarity to Your Life

In the rush of daily activity, we sometimes lose track of what is important. Reiki can help you return to mindfulness. Finding joy in everyday moments can bring a great deal of pleasure to the gift of life. Typically clients leave a Reiki session with a look of peacefulness, joy, or outright laughter.

"Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease." --Dr. Mikao Usui

Complement Medical or Other Therapies

Reiki offers subtle energy support for standard medical procedures and treatments, problematic side effects may be tolerated better. Reiki is complementary to healthcare methods for stress reduction and relaxation essential for activating the natural healing power of the body for reestablishing health or for maintaining health and wellness. Reiki applications work toward balancing the subtle energy field so that the body can naturally heal itself from within.  Reiki supports our natural healing process, assists in maintaining wellness. Recipients often report less depression and increased motivation to care for themselves. Frequently used in hospitals and other health care settings around the country, Reiki carries no known risks and may offer a profound peacefulness at the time of death.


My Services

Zen Garden
Lavender Fields
Zen Stones

One on One Reiki Session

Come to me and receive a hands on Reiki session. I also practice on animals.

Long Distance Reiki Treatment

I work with people all over the world. Don't hesitate to reach out if you are out of state. I am able to offer my services over the phone, and zoom.


Let's chat after your session, so we can go over what was uncovered for you through your Reikitime together.


Elizabeth is incredible! She exudes positive energy and her space radiates the calmest vibes. Her soft voice and delicate touch instantly puts you at ease.

Kendall Gaumann

Skyler Adelson

​Hi my PT asked if you could do another treatment on me. So could you she thought it helped a lot. Me too. Please. Cam

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Get in Touch

Fill out the contact form below to schedule a consultation. I offer in person (Bay Area based) and distanced appointments.

Thanks for submitting!

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